Driving Strangers: Diary of an Uber Driver
Karen Wippich, immensely talented graphic designer whom I've often worked with, has now become an acclaimed artist with her colorful, oddball portraits and collage images. ...

Bus 75: Hidden Portland
Noted international photographer, Geoffrey Hiller, received an RACC grant to produce a photo/essay blog about finding hidden Portland along the #75 TriMet bus. He asked me t...

Cascadia Behavioral Healthcare Cardboard Postcard
[one_third] [/one_third] [one_third] [/one_third] [one_third_last] Sleeping on cardboard is no way to overcome mental health problems. This oversized cardboa...

Portland Office of Sustainability Recycling Rollcarts Campaign
[one_third] When Portland’s Office of Sustainability rolled out their Recycling and Yard Debris rollcarts, we lent a hand. With the help of genuine Dotzero Design, Les Overhead ...

American Insitute of Architects Conference Invitation
Les Overhead develops theme ideas and promo materials for the AIA Oregon Design Conference. Architects gather on the edge of the continent at Salishan Resort, inspired to talk,...

Miami Project to Cure Paralysis Brochure
Nick Buoniconti, famed Miami Dolphin middle linebacker, founded this nonprofit after his son was paralyzed while playing football in college. How do you tackle the solvable pro...

ALS Association Brochure
When ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) slowly stole jazz musician Richard Burdell’s life, his sister, Cindy, formed this nonprofit. In this fund-raising piece, Richard’s honest, hilar...

OHSU Alzheimer’s Fund-Raising Mailer
Days and memories disappear when you have dementia. The copy and design here demonstrates that in a simple, memorable way. Created for Oregon Health Sciences University, this m...